phpList - Open Source Newsletter Software

phpList Free Newsletter Software

Handy Open Source Newsletter and Email Marketing Software

phpList is an open source newsletter manager and email marketing software for sending email newsletters, marketing campaigns and announcements to subscribers.


phpList is one of the leading free and open source newsletter software. phpList has been used for many businesses for sending email newsletters, marketing campaigns, and announcements. This open source email newsletter software can send campaign to millions of subscribers. It has a beautiful web interface with wizard for composing campaign/newsletter. Further, newsletter can be personalized for each subscriber. phpList supports both plain text, and HTML formats for sending newsletter. Moreover, phpList provides features for scheduling and automating campaigns.

phpList is self-hosted newsletter software that can by setup on private server. This will help companies for keeping control over users data. phpList is written in PHP and uses MySQL database to store information. The license for this open source newsletter software is AGPL (Affero General Public License).

System Requirements

In order to install phpList, you must have the following softwares:

  • PHP 5.3+
  • MySQL 5.0 +
  • Apache / Nginx


phpList has number of features and some of them are:

Open Source

phpList is open source email marketing software which have a large users community which participate in development, bug fixing and plugins. You can have full control over your data by using phpList as open source software.

Designing and Sending

Campaigns can be created in web interface and you can use HTML templates for it. You can schedule your campaigns at any time or send it instantly to subscribers.


You can have full control on your data and subscribers information by installing phpList at your own server.

Other Features

Some of other important features are:

  • Manage Campaigns.
  • Statistics.
  • Bounce Handling.
  • User, Role, and Access Management.
  • Internationalization.
  • Performance and Reliability.
  • Opensource.
  • Easy Feature enhancement.
  • Data Import & Export Tools.
  • Manage Email Lists.
  • High-Volume Sending.
  • Building and Personalizing Emails.
  • WYSIWYG editor.

Installation Instructions

Install phpList on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS with Nginx

Nginx is the most popular and secure web server. In order to install Nginx, use the following command

 sudo apt install nginx 

Once the Nginx is install, configure the domain and restart the Nginx by using the following command

 sudo service nginx restart 

Next, need to install database Server, use the following command to install MySql server

 sudo apt-get update;  sudo apt-get install mysql-server; mysql_secure_installation 

Once, the database server is installed, use the following command to restart MySql server

 sudo service mysql restart 

Install PHP for processing

 sudo apt-get install php-fpm php-mysql

Now, you have installed all the required software and the next step is to login to mysql server and create phplist database. Use following command to create database. Change with your database name.


Create a database user called "" with new password. and granted user full access to the database by running the following commands. Change with your desired database user and with your desired password.

 CREATE USER ''@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY ''; 

Next, run the commands below to download and extract the downloaded file and move it into a new phplist root directory.

 mv phplist-3.5.5/public_html/lists/ /var/www/html/phplist

Edit phplist config.php file. Adjust database and SMTP settings to reflect with your own values.

nano /var/www/html/phplist/config/config.php

Now, Lets configure phpList. Open your browser navigate to your domain name to start configuration of phpList. You should see phpList installation wizard

  • Click on the Initialise Database button.
  • Enter the your name, organization name, email address, and administrative login user name. The initial login name will be “admin”.
  • Once, the initialization is completed, click on the phpList Setup button to start phpList further configuration.

Congrats! You have successfully installed phpList on NGINX


What is phpList?

phpList is a powerful and easy to install software for managing mailing lists with 20 years of history. It is used for sending email news, newsletters, marketing campaigns and announcements to a large number of recipients.

Is phpList open source?

phpList is an open source and self-hosted email marketing software to manage mailing lists. phpList open source email campaign software source code repository is available at Github.

Is phpList free?

Yes, phpList is a free to use and dowload self hosted newsletter php software.

In what language is phpList written?

phpList email list management software is written in PHP programming language and it uses MySQL database to store the data information.

What are top alternatives to phpList?

Mailchimp, TinyLetter, SendPortal, Mailtrain and Sendy are some popular alternatives to phpList free email list management software.
