kandan Live Chat Software
Fully Featured Rails Based Fast, Secure and Stable Chat App.
Kandan is an open-source chat application with an elegant and clean design. You can invite colleagues to share ideas and files in persistent group chat rooms.
Kandan is a free open source and well-supported chat application developed with Ruby on Rails. Kandan real-time chat application is a fast, secure, and stable chat solution based on Ruby on Rails. Kandan Chat has an elegant, clean design and it will get you to reconsider your standard instant messaging system.
Kandan private chat application was originally developed by Cloudfuji. It has a lot of features like searchable message history, file uploads, managing multiple chat rooms, hubot integration, and shared room audio etc. This slickest chat application allows you to manage several conversations simultaneously via chat rooms and also listen to music via channels. Kandan is fully open-source and can be hosted internally or externally by your company or by any third party.
The fantastic features include searching the message history, download files, and management of kandan livechat app. It is also possible to see active users and invitations. Kandan open-source chat application also has a large number of emoji collections to help users express their emotions. For developers, Kandan allows new functionalities to be added via a system of plugins. Finally, the application can be installed on cloud hosting.
System Requirements
In order to install kandan, following are the system requirements
- Ruby 1.9
- Rails 3.2.21
- PostgreSQL or MySQL Adapter
- Thin server
- Server: Heroku OR AWS
- RubyGems: Installation as dependency
- Editor: Sublime Text or RubyMine
- Git version-control system
Following are the key features of kandan chat application.
- Collaborative team chat
- Unlimited channels
- Embed formats for images and youtube videos
- Requests for others platforms twitter, facebook etc.
- Synchronized sound player
- Highly extensible plugin format
- Easy deploy, Heroku, dotCloud etc.
- Fully Open-Source
Install Kandan on Ubuntu
If you’re looking to install Kandan chat application on a private stand alone server or to develop locally, then here is the path you must follow.
git clone https://github.com/kandanapp/kandan.git
cd kandan
Lots of the gems require other libraries:
sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-dev ruby-bundler libxslt-dev libxml2-dev libpq-dev libsqlite3-dev
Some gems build native extensions:
sudo apt-get install gcc g++ make
For development-mode
sudo apt-get install nodejs # (execjs needs an execution environment)
gem install execjs # (Could possibly be added to the gemfile in the assets group)
Install the required gems:
bundle install
You can use the default database.yml to get started in development. For production you’ll need to edit config/database.yml to add something like this:
adapter: postgresql
host: localhost
database: kandan_production
pool: 5
timeout: 5000
# You might need these depending on your Postgres auth setup.
username: kandan
password: something
Now, bootstrap the install. you can omit the db:create step if you have already created the DB referenced above:
bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate kandan:bootstrap
If you plan to serve the app directly from Thin (rather than through a proxy), you will need to configure Rails to serve assets in the production environment. In config/environments/production.rb:
config.serve_static_assets = true
Start the rails server
bundle exec thin start
Your app should be up and running now. The default admin user is Admin with password kandanappadmin, or you can sign up as another user.
Congratulations! You have successfully installed Kandan open source chat application. Enjoy!
In this article we have discussed Kandan chat application that allows you to manage several conversations simultaneously. To learn about other open source live chat software, please visit page: