Deployer - PHP Deployment Tool

Deployer Free Deployment Tool

Effortlessly PHP Application Deployment With Deployer

Seamless deployment workflow with free and open source deployment tool for PHP-based applications. Easily set up and supports popular frameworks.


Deployer is a PHP deployment tool that is free and open source. It is a great tool for PHP-based applications. The deployer is very simple to set up and learn. So, this can be rapidly used for deployment by developers with some experience. Deployer supports popular PHP frameworks out of the box such as Laravel, Symfony, Codeigniter, Zend, and many more. Further, it supports open source CMS like WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal. Moreover, it comes with built-in recipes for eCommerce software such as Magento, and PrestaShop. For unique use cases, developers may create their own recipes.

Some great features are provided by this open source deployment tool, such as parallel deployment, agentless, rollback, zero downtime, and many more. Parallel deployment enables the source code to be published simultaneously on all application servers. This free deployment software does not require agents on the remote server for installation. Instead, it supports SSH for the deployment of PHP applications. Further, developers can rollback to the previous release quickly. In addition, users can deploy PHP application with no downtime. This PHP deployment tool is purely designed for PHP applications and written in PHP language.

System Requirements

Requirements to setup Deployer include:

  • PHP


Deployer has an excellent feature list and some of them are:

  • Free and open source
  • Supports popular PHP frameworks
  • Easily setup
  • CLI tool
  • Zero downtime deployments
  • Quickly rollback to previous version
  • No Agents, just use SSH
  • Ready to use recipes
  • Parallel execution


Installing using Ubuntu

Install the PHP, if it is not installed.

sudo apt-get install php

Run below command one by one to install Deployer.

curl -LO
sudo mv Deployer.phar /usr/local/bin/dep
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/dep

Installation process has been completed. Move ahead and deploy first PHP application with it.
