phpMyAdmin Database Management Tool
Open Source Database Management Tool for MySQL & MariaDB
phpMyAdmin is an open source DBMS tool that allows users to interact and manage various databases including MySQL and MariaDB via web interface.
phpMyAdmin is a free and Open Source Database Management Tool for MySQL and MariaDB written in PHP. It supports multiple functions on MySQL and MariaDB. Developers can manage information, tables, columns, relationships, references, users and permissions, etc. via the interface. Also they can use phpMyAdmin to perform most administration tasks, including creating a database, running queries, and adding user accounts.
Alongside user interface, developers can directly execute any SQL statement from this free database management tool. phpMyAdmin also comes as a built-in component with XAMPP and WAMPP web servers. Right now phpMyAdmin is one of the most widely used and popular DBMS software tool in the world.
System Requirements
- Ubuntu 18.04
- A non-root user with sudo privileges
- A firewall configured with ufw
- LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) installation
- Easy to use web interface
- Multiple MySQL features support
- Browse information like databases, tables, rows, columns etc.
- Create, copy, discard, rename and modify databases, tables and column names
- Create, edit and mark bookmarks for any SQL statements, or batch queries
- Manage MySQL user accounts and their rights
- Import data from CSV and SQL files
- Export whole databases, tables or selected rows in various formats: CSV, SQL, XML etc.
- Open Source
Ubuntu Installation:
Installation of phpMyAdmin is very simple and straight-forward. Follow these step to install phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu:
Open a terminal window on your Ubuntu Server.
Then issue the command.
apt update && apt upgrade
And then this command.
sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin php-mbstring php-gettext -y
After that a window will open up, type your sudo password.
Then Allow the installation to complete.
Select the web server to be used as shown in following figure
- Next set a MySQL application password for phpmyadmin
- And then enter the database admin user password.
After that restart the server.
systemctl restart apache2
Finally Login to phpMyAdmin from this URL: http://server_ip/phpmyadmin
Windows Installation:
- Go to phpMyAdmin download page.
- Then click on “Download” button.
- After that, open and extract the downloaded zip folder.
- Copy phpmyadmin folder to c drive -> htdocs.
- Now open php.ini file to edit it.
- Then search for “extension=php_mbstring.dll” line and replace “;” from the start.
- Now search for “extension=php_mysqli.dll” line and replace “;” from the start.
- Save and exit.
- Restart “Apache” service.
- Finally Login to phpMyAdmin from this URL: http://server_ip/phpmyadmin
To learn about other Open Source Database Management Tools and MySQL GUI clients, please check following pages: - Top Database Management Tools