Hyperledger Fabric is open source digital asset management platform

Hyperledger Fabric  Free Blockchain Platform

Permissioned Architecture Based Distributed Ledger Technology

Hyperledger Fabric is an open source DLT platform with many great features such as Pluggable Consensus, Multi-language Smart Contract Support, and more.


Hyperledger Fabric is an open source digital asset management platform to build decentralized apps. It is backed by Linux Foundation and has a very strong developer community. Its architecture is modular that makes its echo system completely configurable. This open source permissioned distributed ledger provides solutions to many business use cases such as banking, healthcare, finance, human resource, and more. One of the finest things is that developers can write the smart contract in any general-purpose programming language such as Nodejs, Java, Go.

Most of the time Blockchain is a public network. However, Hyperledger Fabric is a permissioned Blockchain in which every participant is known to one another. Above all, this open source ledger technology comes up with pluggable consensus protocols which mean users can use the consensus protocol depending upon the use case. Therefore, all these features make this decentralized ledger technology highly secure where transactions take place in a fully private mode.

This permissioned Blockchain is written in Go language and its source code is available with comprehensive documentation. Further. this digital asset management platform is highly scalable and provides many other features that include governance and versioning of smart contracts, designed for continuous operations, queryable data. Moreover, its modular architecture allows the configurations with third party software such as LDAP, OpenID Connect, and cryptographic libraries.

System Requirements

Requirements to set up Hyperledger Fabric include:


Hyperledger Fabric offers the following key features:

  • Open Source
  • Multi-language Smart Contract Support
  • Support for EVM and Solidity
  • Scalable
  • Pluggable consensus
  • Queryable data
  • Flexible
  • Integration With Third Party Apps
  • Permissioned Architecture

Installation Instructions

Once you have installed the pre-requisites, the first next step is to Install Samples, Binaries, and Docker Images.

Secondly, For macOS, you will need to use a location under /Users, /Volumes, /private, or /tmp. Get into the directory into which you will install the Fabric Samples and binaries by running the following command:

    curl -sSL https://bit.ly/2ysbOFE | bash -s

Thirdly, run the following command to set PATH environment variable:

    export PATH=<path to download location>/bin:$PATH

In addition, the script will download the Hyperledger Fabric docker images from Docker Hub into your local Docker registry and tag them as ‘latest’.

Now, run the following command:

    cd fabric-samples/test-network

Then, you will find an annotated script, network.sh, that stands up a Fabric network using the Docker images on your local machine.

After that, from inside the test-network directory, run the following command to remove any containers or artifacts from any previous runs:

    ./network.sh down

Finally, run the following command to bring up the network:

    ./network.sh up